"A Light on the Hill"


Well, about us.  What can I say?  EastGate Church began life many years ago as Hills Christian Fellowship but has been called EastGate since 1995.  We are a small church, a group of people who have found new life in Christ.  We are by no means perfect – actually, we are far from it.  However, we do love God and we genuinely care about each other.  We completely believe in being open and transparent before God.  We don’t wear a mask on Sunday, nor do we put on a brave face.  If life is getting us down, we don’t hide it.  We just come to church and lean on each other for help, with no judgement from anyone.  We celebrate our victories together and we help each other out.  Together we strive to be a Christ-centred people. We would love to see you on Sunday!